Mark Manson on mindset and disipline

Van 15:00 tot 17:30

Mark Manson is the author of the mega-bestseller ‘The subtle art of not giving a f*ck’. One of the 10 most read (that means: not ‘bought’ but: read until the very last page!) books of the past decade, according to Amazon.

Mark Manson is the self-help expert for people who hate self-help. His session will be full of hard-hitting and unapologetic advice about getting most from life:

How do I live my personal values (and first: how do I discover them?)
What does it take to be determined and self-disciplined?
How can I be productive by working less
In this session, Mark will share his best ideas on getting most out of life. Living your values, achieving your goals, build healthy relationships. Life is a video game, here are the cheat codes.

15:00 | Part 1: What to give a f*ck about

Rather than happiness, life is about solving problems. Therefore, learn how to pick good problems. Avoiding problems just makes everything worse. In this session Mark will discuss life questions like:

The One Rule for Life– What makes an action right or wrong? What makes a person good or bad? Well, there’s a rule for that.
When it comes to choosing your commitments, if it’s not a ‘Fuck Yes’ then it should be a no.
7 Strange Questions that Help You Find Your Life Purpose
Opening keynote by Mark Manson

15:30 | Short break

15:45 | Part 2: Help each other out!

Mark Manson will give you some thought provoking questions to discuss with your colleague-attendees. Help each other out and get the best audience consult you ever had.

Group dialogue with moderator

16:30 | Short break

16:45 | Part 3: If self discipline feels difficult, you are doing it wrong

A moderated Q&A session with Mark Manson, based on your questions on Mindset, Motivation and self discipline. Feel free to ask. And be open for an unexpected response. Mark Manson’ stand up consulting session.

Moderated Q&A with Mark Manson

17:30 | End of session