Community Building Masterclass by Robin Meijer (Ronimo Games)

Aula, Van Doorenveste Zernikeplein 11, Groningen
Van 17:30 tot 18:30
The fourth Game Bakery Masterclass will be presented by Robin Meijer, producer at Ronimo Games. Robin will shed light on how he retains a healthy community for their game Awesomenauts and keep it fresh after more than 6 years!
More info & location TBA!
RSVPing on Facebook is appreciated, too:
==About the masterclasses==
Topics like community building, pitching and design thinking are often overlooked, but as important to success as development skills. This is why Game Bakery hosts a series of masterclasses starting later this year, revolving around these subjects.
In these masterclasses, industry experts will share their experiences in a hands-on, practical session after which visitors have a clear product to return to work with. This can be anything from a new strategy draft to a better pitch.
The masterclasses are in English and are sponsored by SGINN, Stichting Game Incubator Noord-Nederland. SGINN aims to strengthen connections between game development initatives in the North of the Netherlands.



Thu, June 14, 2018

3:30 PM – 6:30 PM CEST

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Aula, Van Doorenveste

Zernikeplein 11


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