Online activities Precision Fair 2020 | 18 en 19 november | gratis deelname

Van 10:00 tot 17:00

Attend webinars on strategy and science.
Meet the right project or business partner online!

Welcome to the registrationsite for the online Precision Fair Networking event 2020!
In cooperation with Mikrocentrum, the organizer of the Precision Fair, the Enterprise Europe Network invites you to the international online Precision Fair Networking and webinars event. This international event is focused on latest developments in precision technology and Big Science and related researchers, business partners, suppliers and intermediaries.

Online program and matchmaking

Due to COVID this year there only will be an interesting online program and matchmaking.
On Wednesday November 18th an online program is offered consisting of 14 webinars. There are keynote webinars from the international Big Science program, VDMA, EUSPEN and DSPE.
The full program overview with speakers and webinars can be found via this website and the Precision Fair website: Program online Precisionfair 2020
Online matchmaking is offered on Wednesday and Thursday November 18th-19th.

Why participate in a matchmaking?

Many of the potential interesting new connections during an event happen by coincidence both between exhibitor and visitor and also between two visitors. But how can you know which interesting potential partners are walking around on the exhibition floor and the conference? And how can you find out if they might just be looking for someone like you?

The B2B Matchmaking sessions offer all visitors, delegates ánd exhibitors the possibility to announce themselves and book other participants upfront. In 15-20 minutes pre-scheduled online meetings you ‘speeddate’ with the other participants to quickly find out what you have in common.

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The Precision Fair online event 2020 is the ideal online place for tailored networking to develop new projects and new business (see topics) and to view some interesting online webinars on strategy and science.
The program with the webinars takes place on November 18th and the matchmaking is offered on both November 18th and 19th, 2020.